Diabetes Cures?

by shanks

I regularly go through your site and the page on diabetes cures. I am from a family of diabetics. I am 55 and overweight. I was diagnosed 10 years ago the hard way. I am regular in my medicines.

Only two years ago I took to playing squash four times a week. I am a Nazi about it. Harassing my sons to play or collaring anyone to play with me. I use to eat uncontrollably. Reduced that now. I drink once/twice a week 2 pegs of scotch

I work as a professional in a sick and destructive environment of a bully boss, some bullies as women colleagues, and some negative workplace issues.

I have erectile dysfunction disorders. My sugar is at 16 in the morning on waking up at 7.45am. I have to force it down with herbal tea, and starvation, or controlled diet with no snacking. Then it comes down to 12 by 11 am.

My issues are that my specialist wants me to switch to insulin. I have seen my dad use it for 30 years and not always with good results. So now what to do? How to go about your treatment aiming for diabetes cures? Please advise.

Reply By Dr. M. Sathiamurthi, India's No. 1 Bioenergetician

Diabetes cures are not possible by medicines or injections alone. You have to mobilize the overall defenses in your body. This you can do only with my new treatment for diabetes. For this you have to apply through the contact page.

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